Some misconceptions about the harmful effects of eyelash extensions

May 30, 2023 1 min read

Some misconceptions about the harmful effects of eyelash extensions

Some misconceptions about the harmful effects of eyelash extensions

Although the harmful effects of eyelash extensions have been clarified, in fact there are some misconceptions about the method of partial eyelash extensions that are confused and worried:

I'm hot and red

This is a normal, self-regulating phenomenon of the eye. After eyelash extensions, you will feel your eyes are red and a little stinging because your eyes need to adjust to changes for a long time. But this phenomenon only lasts for 1-2 hours and the eyes will return to normal. Therefore, it is not too difficult to apply eyelash extensions, the eyelashes are red and spicy. But note, it is normal when this condition appears only 1-2 hours, and the longest is 3 hours.

Effects on eyesight

Many rumors claim that eyelash extensions cause vision loss, which can lead to blindness. Harm of this eyelash extension occurs, but very dangerous. This only appears when you use poor quality eyelash extension glue, stick to your eyes, or perform eyelash extensions at an unreputable place for a long time, with a large frequency of eyelash extensions. This makes the eyes unbearable and becomes inflamed, severely irritated, affecting the mucous membranes and worse, the vision of the eyes.

In contrast, if eyelash extensions at a reputable address, high technical skills, quality eyelash glue and sparse eyelash extension frequency, surely the effect on eyesight is not there.

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